Coping vs. Managing

It has been suggested that one seek to escape the “quantum weirdness” that has overwhelmed the United States.  My understanding (unprofessional) is that quantum mechanics is a fact of life and not one to be escaped. By analogy, one would expect that quantum weirdness is as well.

Better therefore to cope — not the same as manage — with both quantum mechanics or quantum weirdness than try, forlornly, to escape either. Even suicide would participate in both, which is why the Classical Skeptics, in their radical honesty, eschewed it.

Our US Constitution is a fine instrument for coping with life without presuming to manage much less escape it, both of which are impossible.

These collectivists’ presumption of escaping life in order to manage life is what is giving everyone fits — including them — because the presumption is doubly false. Pretty soon we are going to observe the White House order its minions to approach the sea and lash it for disobedience, figuratively speaking … and actually. Savior King of the World my foot!

Gun Control
The theory that a woman found dead in an alley,

raped and strangled with her own pantyhose,
is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining
to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.



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