Playing God

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



People don’t realize that the entire corpus of “progressive” belief is based on substituting what they WANT to be true for what actually IS. Williams is just one of legions.

It’s a misleading shortcut to call them “liars.” A real liar knows what the facts are, he’s just trying to get you to believe something else for his own ends.

“Progressives” make things up (or just absorb them from their environment like a sponge filter-feeding on the ocean bottom), and then convince themselves that whatever they made up is real. It’s entirely possible Williams (or [The Fraud]) could pass a lie-detector test when they make these pronouncements.

Very subtle and very true. Parallels a recent fine-tooth-comb re-read I did of Codevilla’s The Chosen One, from 2011:

I prefer to call them globalists (Codevilla uses “new left”) because they are anti-USA, anti-national sovereignty, whereas classical progressives (Codevilla’s “old left”) were/are pro-USA, pro-national sovereignty.

Globalists indeed consider what they want the real, not what is. They are worse than liars. Audition of any lecture at Brookings or any other globalist propaganda factory would prove that point to any strong mind. Globalists believe they do only good and that their power to act (=do good, in their minds) is more important than anyone’s liberty, including their own. In other words, liberty is a reality they do not recognize, wanting instead only their power to act (=do good, in their minds). And all of that exempt from scrutiny!

This is an extraordinary epistemological calisthenic. To consider what one wants the real rather than what is, and be able to pass a lie-detector test on that basis, and be able to squelch scrutiny, is fascism on steroids.

Even Comrades Marx and Lenin were realist enough to see that the proletariate exists and, ultimately, and for several reasons, will not accept communism to eradicate the kulaks/middle class (communism’s goal), compelling Lenin to make a vanguard to accomplish what labor and scum will not.

Globalists are so certain of their position — moral, social, financial and political — they presume only their wants matter. They are not liars, they are gods. That egg is hollow with a very thin shell. Scrutiny is ineluctable.

Yachts and their Owners:

Yet in a global climate of “haves and have-nots,” is it morally justifiable to spend $1 billion on a private yacht catering for 36 guests?

“To be honest, what ordinary mortals think is ‘moral,’ is not actually relevant to these people,” said Kampfner.

“You have to understand that we’re not talking about the top 1% — in this instance we’re talking about the 0.01%. This is a tiny group who live in their own bubble, they mix only among themselves.”

Lying and Hubris:

Consummate liars, such as this one, along with the consummately hubristic, such as this one, put themselves in the position of God. That is, they account themselves unambiguous and their wishes unambiguously good. This degeneracy of personhood exceeds in stabbing power any and all psychiatric and psychological diagnoses and prognoses. Its power also exceeds the capacities of law and pedagogy. It presents a military rather than a clinical, a legal or a pedagogical problem.

Warfare and Politics:

Democrats engage in warfare and win. Republicans engage in politics and lose. One kills. The other manipulates. So the struggle is uneven and favors the one willing to kill. Republicans accuse Democrats of not treating a warring foreign enemy as the killer they are but do not treat their warring domestic Democratic enemy as the killer they are. So Republicans are putzes. Or tacit Democrats. Americans love a winner and hate a loser. With luck, Scott Walker worships at the shrine of Lee Atwater.

Old Age and Food:

It is also my observation that old people overeat, way overeat. Medication is a food and food is a medicament. As one’s body ages, it needs less food, and less and less. And more and more of it that is simple and soupy. I think of what old people tend to do as “death by food.” That’s hardly the only reason for death — birth is the main one — but I think it is a very large one. Death by food.

Update 1: The Fraud uses the Muslim gang sign.  Related.

Update 2: America’s “Islamic Fabric”?

Update 3: Steve Hayward interview with Fred Siegel: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5.

Update 4: Related: It’s Not Easy Going Green.

Update 5: Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Economic Fascism (also here)

It’s called fascism and that is what it should be called, over, over and over, to its face and from the rooftops.



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