Let Them Pound Sand

To: The White House’s Current Occupants, United States of America
Regarding: Self-Reporting As Opposed To Agenda of White House’s Current Occupants


It has come to my attention that the White House’s current occupants have called on Citizens of the United States to report to them at flag@whitehouse.gov such of their neighbors as are “fishy” in the sense of opposing the agenda of the White House’s current occupants.

This communication self-reports myself as a person fitting that description.

I oppose the agenda of the White House’s current occupants because that agenda aims to centralize power in the hands of the White House’s current occupants, thus destroying in letter and spirit the existing Constitutional basis, framework and operating way of life of the United States of America.  I am loyal to the existing Constitution of the United States of America and the structures of government it envisions and enables.

Please add my name and personal information as given below to the database, being compiled by the White House’s current occupants, of Citizens of the United States who are “fishy” in the sense of opposing the agenda of the White House’s current occupants.

With all deserved respect,

(Title, Name)
(Domain Name)



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