Professional Codes

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


The nation’s health care system needs reformation, no doubt of that. And the looming boomer bulge needs handling at all levels of government, no doubt of that, either.

The question is, by whom? Government or Doctors?

The issue here is the same one, albeit for a companion profession, that faced the German Clergy when the Nazi Party demanded they sign allegiance to the Nazi Party and its Leader in precedence to their allegiance to the Church and Her Leader. Here the issue is facing the medical profession whereas there it faced the theological.

The White House’s current occupants will, if they can get to it, face the military profession with the same issue.

The teaching profession has already signed, thereby destroying their legitimacy, including theology/religion faculties. (I can state downrightly that no theologian is employed to teach on any government-funded academic campus in the United States of America.)

The legal profession thinks they will be exempt from signing. They are wrong about that if the White House’s current occupants get as far as they intend.

Some trade union leaderships have signed, but vast numbers of trade union members have not and will not. It is unrealistic to paint trade unionists per se as loyal to the White House’s current occupants. I speak as one knowing many.

Several obvious steps are indicated as the way to reform the nation’s health care system:

1- incentivize the AMA to delegitimate persons who are not called to be MDs — i.e., who are not professionals, who do not care to foster citizens’ health — as well as MDs whose malpractice history indicates they are unfit for the profession; in other words, raise MDs to standards of professionalism comparable to those enjoyed by the Officer and NCO Corps of the United States Armed Forces;

2- de-incentivize malpractice suits, and

3- incentivize the AMA’s enforcement of the Hippocratic Oath and never, Professional Codesever, imagine that an MD or any professional (Theologian, Teacher, Soldier, Doctor, Attorney) should or could owe primary allegiance to a government rather than to the code of their profession.

Medical decisions are the purview of Medical Doctors. Religious decisions are the purview of Theologians. Pedagogical decisions are the purview of Teachers. Military decisions are the purview of Armed Forces Officers and NCOs. Legal decisions are the purview of Attorneys.

No government has or can have authority over the code of conduct of any profession. Abide that fact and incentivize the professions’ several leaderships to realize it, that is the role of government.

That government is legitimate which assists citizens to be who they are and achieve what they aspire and labor assiduously to be. That government is illegitimate which essays to tell people who they are and what they shall do or which subsidizes cheats and idlers.

No government is empowered or entitled to tell professionals who they are, what they are or how they shall discharge the responsibilities of their profession. No laws can be made to legitimate governments which try to do those things

Law does not and cannot reach professional codes of conduct.
Those codes are above and beyond law and men, both.
They are the prius of law, which is a cultural creation, not a category of life. 

The legitimacy of the professional codes rests in the roots of existence and rises therefrom. The professional codes are immutable and indomitable categories of life.Professional Codes

Every tyrannical government in history has tried to overwhelm professional codes, of course, and every one of them has succumbed to professional resistance. It must ever be so because the up-surging power of professional responsibility is superior to the down-trodding power of tyranny by the commandeering and overwhelming of professional responsibility.

That law which contemplates usurpation of the codes of the professions is no law at all but a species of tyranny.

The power of non-being, represented today with utter clarity by the White House’s current occupants, depends absolutely on the power of being.  Evil does not exist except as opposition to Good, Anti-Christ except as against The Christ.

The Codes of the Professions introduce the forms and functions of culture.
They ante-cede those forms and functions and are their prius — all of them.


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