Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
Perspicacious coverage of MoDo by Dan Riehl, commented by me as follows:
It is no paradox, not even a mystery, and certainly not an absurdity, and it does not affect women only. Appetite alone is but momentarily quenchable. Ramp appetite up to concupiscence — unrestrained libido, the desire to take everything into oneself — and satisfaction is insufficient the instant it is achieved.
Existential Psychology 101, and MoDo does a “Do tell!”?
The “progressive” establishment is in the thrall of concupiscence. Concupiscence is what ACORN does. Arriving in the US Senate and measuring for White House drapes is concupiscence. Posing as indomitable ruler of the world is concupiscence. If it happened it would be unsatisfying. If that personality could take the entire universe into itself its appetite would be gnawing its innards. It would need more. This is called insanity, and MoDo wants to decry it and have it too?
Today concupiscence is called “entitlement.” It is what it always has been, vacuum-sucking the world for oneself, into oneself, and remaining unfilled, unsatisfied. In classical philosophy it is called libido (love for an inferior) unrefined by philios (love for an equal), eros (love for a superior) and agape (self-less love). The entire purpose of education is to refine and thereby restrain libido. The end of education is philios, eros and especially agape love.
Today of course, “educators” run their devotees in the other direction, towards libido. That makes their institutions not schools but nut-houses, even organized crime centers and criminal conspiracies.
The operational face of unrefined libido is hubris, for which there is no equivalent word in English. Hubris is putting oneself in the place of God and claiming the totality of reality as oneself, inside one’s ownership, for one’s amusement and, most importantly, diet.
The danger of libido added to the general and inescapable ambiguities of life drive strong-minded, soft-hearted people to a life of renunciation.
Update 1: Caliphists, one is sure, look forward to duking it out with females for world domination.