The Liar-In-Thief

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



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I am seduced to certainty by the grand delusion of my personal rule over a fantastic utopian world of vast, endless acolytes waiting on me, to do my bidding, where there are no enemies, no white people, the rich sell all that they have and give the money to me, the affluent and poor sell all that they have and give the money to me and darks if I want them to have any, no weapons, no opposition, no old people, no limit to my personal accumulation, everything I want is given even before I summon it, the world at peace, unable to fight for lack of will and weapons.

No more need to sell my self, my ideas, everyone just worships me and does it.  It is a place of beauty, I see it clearly, understand it totally and believe it absolutely because I am it.  It is me, me, my goodness and brilliance covering the face of the world, my world, my face, my voice, my words, my body, my wishes.

It is SO beautiful!  I love it and so does everyone, or they won’t live in it.  A place of supreme rest and leisure, and I rule it.  It is my benevolence for all the world to wonder and appreciate and thank.  It looks to me, to me alone for sustenance and guidance.

I am making the fantastic utopia of my dreams your destiny and you will kiss my black ass and thank me for being so good for you and good to you.  It’s a beautiful world!  Get used to it, deal with it, or it will deal with you.  Capiche?  Know what I mean?  Isn’t it a wonderful world?!?  I love it so!


Update 1: Regarding liars.


Jatayu Merges In Rama
Jatayu Merges In Rama

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