Due Process And Equal Protection

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Glenn Reynolds today linked and partially quoted a WSJ article titled Progressives and Disorder then commented:

You cannot judge Obama’s success or failure without a clear understanding of his goals, and I’m not sure that either his conservative critics or his liberal defenders have that.

Reader comments are lively and mine follows:

Mention of IMF in the article tips the ultimate goal: globalism, not-popularly-elected trans-national ruling class, gradual elimination of sovereign nation states.

Penultimate goal: said trans-national ruling class — which champ most satisfactorily represents and fosters, by their accounting — lives large off tax payers by looting their financial, physical and moral wealth.

Trans-national ruling class comprises professors and lawyers, the business and financial executives they extort or are and the public and private bureaucrats they employ to tie everyone and everything in knots for them.

Six hundred years ago in Europe the ruling class comprised clergy — and royalties claiming or just asserting, by force, the authority of clergy — and lawyers and then the rest just named. Then someone took a fresh look at the foundation document, The Bible … and … poof … the ruling class got its face broken.

Based on the rough parallelism of moments in history, I predict that someone inside the professoriate is taking a look at the foundation document, the US Constitution, and from that … poof … the ruling class is in train of a broken face.

I further predict that, whereas the previous re-formation of civilization was inspired by the import of parallel passages in the Books of Romans and Habakkuk, this one is inspired by the import of parallel passages in the 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution, to wit, due process and equal protection.


Update 1: Angelo M. Codevilla dilates upon the ruling class and its punishment.

Update 2: Paul A. Rahe: … the inexorable growth of the administrative regulatory, welfare state is itself a threat to our capacity to govern ourselves.

Update 3: Global Divestment Day

Update 4: How about a RICO suit at Tom Steyer?

Update 5: OPM Deploys Government Coaches After Hack.


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