Negative Thoughts, Positive Outcomes

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

To Enlighten And To Stiffen

Dan Riehl posted a trademark set of observations, suffused with wisdom, regarding the IOC rejection of Chicago, Illinois, USA, and selection of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

I commented twice:

First comment:  The “rejection” of Chicago was a win for “The Obama.” It diminishes American prestige, it embarrasses a major American city, it enfeebles the prestige of the American Presidency and First Ladyship, it makes Americans look small, mean, nasty, rejected, marginal, bathetic, pathetic and epithetic. It is conspicuously, insolently, intentionally wasteful of American time, money and energy. It is a win all around for the occupiers of the American White House, exactly what they want: present Americans as servile, impotent, incompetent, downgraded multi-culturalists “even to the extent of mockery and ridicule.”

All in all, a very good day for the occupiers of the American White House, academe and entertainment/news/troll industries. And tomorrow they will claim suzerainty of the nations once again, assisted by their shaming of America and Americans, over whom, in their minds, they stand triumphant and indomitable (c.f. the trolls here).


Of course, their triangulations are erroneous, but they don’t know that and could not care less whether they are or are not because their absolute confidence in their own omnipotence and omniscience, as per the trolls here (representing their omnipresence), subdues their senses.

Second comment:  A nagging question of mine of recent days bears on the subject of this post and its comments:  What do the occupiers of the White House mean when they speak of “restoring the greatness of America,” or, “making America great again?”  What image of America is in their mind when they employ such phrases.  What image of America expresses her greatness to them?

Also, they employ such phrases in a way that implies they believe American greatness actually existed at some time in the past, was an historical actuality to which they can refer as if it were a fact and not merely a vaporous sentiment.  For them “American greatness” has an actual historical referent, something others too know about.  What is it?

I have been scanning the memory banks for days trying to see what it is.  This, finally, seems to be the one:  The Bataan Death March.  The image of The Bataan Death March expresses “the greatness of America” to these rakshasas.

How so?  Well, The Bataan Death March combines in one image the several aspects of “American greatness” that they see and admire, strive for and will do anything to achieve.  First, it is America abandoned by her parents.  This exposes her to the vagaries of a petulant, deceitful world and its competing imperialists.  Second, it is American humanity humiliated by defeat, starved, beaten, driven (not led), bayonetted, shot, hung, violated.  Third, it is America forced to submit to a foreign imperial power, shorn of her dignity and defenses, ridiculed, tormented and baited by laughing bestials holding guns and plunging bayonets in personal parts.

It is the whole image here that describes the “greatness of America” for the occupiers of the White House.  Those occupiers and their allies in Congress and the Courts, of course, are the foreign imperial power.  They know that they are.  Their legislative, administrative and judicial agendas are the bayonet thrust and rifle shot into the bellies and faces of Americans.  Their political enemies — anyone not their sycophant, not of the rakshasa race — are America marching for their, the foreign imperial power’s, greatness.  The “greatness” is the whole image, both march managers and marchers.


I think what retrieved finally this image from my memory as fully expressing how the occupiers of the White House visualize “the greatness of America” was the rakshasa Garrison Keillor’s Salon article, Cut Republicans Out Of Healthcare!  That is a “Bataan Death March” organizer using the foreign imperial “we” to indicate himself, occupiers of the White House, Congress and Courts and the presumed “majority” of citizens of North America and the world.  Keillor and his fellow occupiers regard their North American platform — a defeated, defunct America retooled as themselves — as the first requirement for their world rule.  And anyone who isn’t with them … well, marched to death, further demonstrating their restored greatness.

On the same day, Dr. Pat Santy posted on a parallel phenomenon with respect to the occupiers of the White House: their setting Americans and America up for annihilation.

I commented on this passage of her essay:

Obama’s clear pattern of positively reinforcing the negative behavior of our enemies as we simultaneously negatively reinforce every effort to confront and deal with that negative behavior indicates a psychological denial and delusion so profound that it is simply stunning in its pathology.

No matter how you look at it — either from a behavioral or a psychological perspective — it seems clear that things are only going to be going from bad to worse in the immediate future.

In the end, Obama’s grandiose dithering and the lunatic actions of Democrats in Congress (and leftists — aka criminals –everywhere) are likely to get us all killed.

Yup, that’s it, about as well stated as I have ever seen it. Spot on.

The troll’s We won, you lost, and you will never get another chance. and It is time for you racist white people to just shut up and go away. is more significant than many perhaps wish to realize.

The occupiers of the White House have as their ace-in-the-hole an executive declaration of a national emergency, pushing the button on internet, mail and phone commo and declaring martial law. They count on this power and their counting so is the substance of the troll’s comment.

When that moment comes — and I have no doubt it will, and next year, not 2012 — the issue depends on the question of organized fire. Not fire (civilian), organized fire (professional). It’s that simple.

The White House occupiers’ triangulation is erroneous. The difference between the United States of America and Zimbabwe — also Honduras and Venezuela/Bolivia — is the character and structure of their national Armed Forces.

A nation rises around its Army, or in modern terms, its Armed Forces. No Army, no nation.

If its Army is loyal to the nation, it is a professional force that cannot be subverted by a national administration. If an “Army” is loyal to a national administration it is a gang of thugs loyal to whichever thug is current lead dog in the administration, and such a “nation” is not worthy of the word.  It is a species of violence.

United States Armed Forces are sworn to loyalty to the Constitution of the United States, meaning, to the nation. The occupiers of the White House want to swear United States Armed Forces loyal to themselves, but that is not going to happen. They will not do it.

United States clergy of all religions long since swore loyalty to the occupiers of the White House, nearly to a man. Lawyers a few fewer but still the large majority are sworn loyal to those occupiers. 

The Nazis never got as far with clergy and lawyers signing loyalty to them as the occupiers of the White House have got with the same two professional groups here in the USA.

Now it is the turn of medical doctors. They too in large majority will abandon the Hippocratic Oath and sign loyalty to the occupiers of the White House.

But the US military, the fourth profession along with clergy, lawyers and medical doctors, will not.

Update 1: An American Renaissance.



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