Drug-Impaired = Non-Human

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


As cocaine was used in Coca-Cola — made it very popular — apparently Lithium was used in 7 Up — made it very popular!:

Nicotine has the mood-stabilizing effect also — makes it very popular.

Ah, fond memories of Benson and Hedges, which I always swore had marijuana in it.

An Acquaintance Writes:

One of my friend’s childhood associates is now on lithium for “Severe Bipolar Disorder” a.k.a. Batshit Crazy Syndrome.  Apparently does wonders for her.

Something I considered following the definite head-space reactions I experienced while taking the mineral waters for Hep C is that given how much our brains are affected by our diet, to include those funky special molecules we inject / snort / chew, one has the problem of not really talking with a proper human being when dealing with the at least one-quarter of Americans who are ingesting one or another anti-depressant/psychotic.  I certainly wasn’t my proper self.

Scary when the implications are followed through.  I much prefer dealing with people who are as screwed up as they are intended to be.  Some people are nervous, some talky, some outright on Mars; I’d rather encounter people as they are than guess that the only reason they may seem reasonable is due to some pill.

Think of all the children now who will never live through the normal and formative experience of learning to control by mental exercise the various perturbations struck by their own being.

This reflection following my treatment has caused me to treat all interactions as ungrounded until I have established that I am indeed dealing with a proper human being as they were created.  Fewer surprises that way.

Update 1: Blitzed: Drugs In The Third Reich



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