Peace Through Personal Responsibility

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Socialism, as is known, comprises two types, fascism and communism.  The difference is in degree of command and control over individual lives.  Communism: total, to the point of eliminating personal property.  Fascism: partial, with some recognition or at least conditional allowance for personal property.

Communist socialism, as is known, is universally rejected in principle.  Its flaw is wanting/trying to deny the fruits of their actions to actors.  This cuts off personal responsibility and thereby eliminates every basis for law and order except one: absolutist totalitarianism.  The drab Gray Lady behind the Iron Curtain.

Fascist socialism, also as is known, is widely practiced, and most prominently by the international social/political “left.”  Its flaw is its pretense of plenary knowledge sufficient to justify command and control of any size of system, physical, biological, social, psychic, spiritual or historical.

Fascist socialism grips most of the Americas, all of Europe (to include Russia), most of Asia, most of Africa and all of the Middle East.  Fascist socialism is facilitated by technological innovation (of all kinds), which also yields means of destroying fascist socialism.  Since failure (with respect to its persistence) of the experiment in very-large-scale imperialistic fascist socialism called National Socialism, fascist socialists, or more simply, fascists, eschew imperialism by military force and suppression by mass arrest and torture in favor of economic and bureaucratic imperialism and psychotropic drugs, respectively.

The international social/political left, aka fascism, comprises three vectors:

1- the international anti-American left

2- the international pro-American left

3- Caliphism

The international anti-American left grips the Americas and Europe today.  (E.g., the EU, Johnson, Carter and the race-and lie-based regime in the White House at 2012.)  Caliphism has shared and shaped that grip with ever-expanding breadth, depth and strength since the 1920s.  (E.g., Wilson’s decision for Saud; Saud’s oil embargo and vast funding of subversive, imperialist lawfare, properties and movements inside and outside USA; Muslim Brotherhood’s (and here) imperialism by invasion, sedition, lawfare and expansion of infrastructure control inside and outside USA; Iran’s cell-building in and steel umbrella over Europe and Middle East and cell-building in and steel ring around USA.)

The international pro-American left affects the Americas and Europe and periodically has hands on their mechanisms of government.  (E.g., Wilson, Eisenhower, Warren, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes, “RINOs,” Romney.)

There is not an international social/political right, anti-or pro-American.  There is a nascent pro-American USA right that inspires variously in other nations.  As the impossibility of initiating or sustaining expansion (the power and cynosure of history) by the criminal model is ever more widely seen, and as fascists themselves increasingly are unable to hide their preferred means of maintaining their “vision” for themselves, namely, eliminate half or more of humankind, an expansion of the sensibilities of the nascent pro-American right to other nations is predictable.

Iraq, Iran, China, Arabia, Syria, Libya, Russia, India, Nigeria, Uganda, South Africa.  The Neo-Cons are right about this much at least: spread stability by spreading the principles of self-determination and personal responsibility.  That is classic social/political doctrine of the American right.

Humanity is not naturally given to self-extermination.  To happen, it has to be forced, as the international anti-American left, fascist as they are, goes about doing in high glee and also dudgeon.

Mitt Romney, of the international pro-American left, took to himself as running mate in 2012 a partial representative of the nascent pro-American right, Paul Ryan.  This is the second time since the Hoover administration that someone even partially from the pro-American right has been in position for the White House.  The first was Sarah Palin, fully of the nascent pro-American right.

To the international anti-American left, which comprises the large majority of the international left, the international pro-American left, a minority of the international left, is a dangerous right wing extremist element (implying terrorist) because of it’s pro-Americanism.

The “Scoop” Jackson (and really, John Kennedy) Neo-Cons are terrorists and imperialists because they are pro-American, according to the anti-American left.  Caliphism, on the other hand, and in the eyes of the international anti-American left, is an heroic movement because of its anti-Americanism.  The Moslem Brotherhood’s, Iranian and Saudi actions against USA energy development are good because they weaken America to destruction.  Saudi funding of Taliban and Pakistani teachers of war fighters (madrassas) is good because it enables demoralization, destruction and embarrassment of American Armed Forces.

The international anti-American left is suicidal and loving it.  Schizophrenic paranoiacs.

Update 1: Socialists’ attraction to anti-American strongmen.

Update 2: And Al Saud intends to keep it up.  See also here.

Update 3: Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Economic Fascism

Update 4: The Muslim Brotherhood In America: A Course In 10 Parts


The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd

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