Frankly, My Dear, They Are Simply Criminals

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Rome did not decline and fall.  The criminal gangs who ran, raped, and looted Rome were defeated and so fell.  Soviet Russia did not fall.  The criminal gangs who ran Soviet Russia were defeated and so fell.  Germany was not defeated in two world-wide wars.  The criminal gangs who ran Germany in two world-wide wars were defeated and so fell.  Japan was not defeated in the second world-wide war.  The criminal gangs who ran Japan in the second world-wide war were defeated and so fell.  Iraq did not fall in 2007.  The criminal gangs who ran Iraq were defeated and so fell in 2007.

Latin and Greek-Russian civilizations are richly Roman in ways past counting.  Rome thrives in, over, under, and through a multitude of institutions, languages, nation states, and habits of taste and culture.  Russians, for example, regard Moscow as The Third Rome, after Constantinople. Even imperial aspects of Rome – and also aspects of European Fascism, Soviet Communism, and American Democracy – survive as the fascist imperial entities styled European Union and Central Intelligence Agency.  Russia thrives.  Germany and Japan thrive.  Iraq as well. Even The United States marches along to God’s tune.

The drama plays out now in the United States.  The United States are not declining.  We do not fall.  We are not going under, nor even to defeat.  Like Russians before them under Bolsheviks — the very large majority of whom were Jewish, and whose Euro-American descendants remain Jewish — Americans of the United States are trammelled by government in the hands of a criminal gang, a gang of atheists, a cynical junta, a Democratic-Republican UniParty comprising Jewish, Anglican, and Catholic atheists altogether with their operatives with bylines. Ogresses and ogres comprising the gang overlay Americans with torture, rape, and looting to drive down their mother country, The United States of America. Americans are in train of throwing off this gang and sending them into the deserted places. The junta and their ruffians, the criminal, fascist gang declines and falls, not The United States, not Americans.

Church Of The Good Shepherd, Hartford, CT
Church Of The Good Shepherd, Hartford, CT

They enjoy it.  It’s what they do.  It’s who they are.  They are simply criminals satisfying their impulse to harm.  They are falling.  We observe and suffer from destruction they cause fighting their doom.

No more situational analysis than that is required.  No scratching of heads trying to figure out who they are or what they are doing.  They are criminals doing what criminals only do do: conjure fear, filth, breakdown, and misery.

Let us stop with calling Democratic Party members and operatives socialists, liberals, communists, marxists, fascists, progressives, leftists, bolsheviks,  nazis, chaotics, oligarchs, etc.  Let us call them and, more to the point, treat them as they are in the simplest terms: criminals in a criminal gang.

San Sebastián Catedral, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain
San Sebastián Catedral, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain

Time has been wasted circling so-called Democrats and their operatives with bylines to observe them as “incompetent,” “corrupt,” “sick,” “a failure,” “mean,” “high-handed,” “outrageous,” “dangerous,” “shameless,” and the like.

The so-called Democrats and their operatives are none of those things.  They are simply criminals.

“Incompetent” implies they aim to serve the interests of the United States.  They do not.  “Corrupt” implies they know right from wrong and truth from falsehood.  They do not.  “Sick” means they acknowledge wellness and seek it.  They do not.  “A failure” implies they want to succeed as expected of a political party: fostering the peace and prosperity of a nation and guaranteeing its security against all threats internal and external.  They do not.  “Mean” implies they can want to be fair, nice, kindly, compassionate, loving, self-sacrificing.  They cannot.  “High-handed” assumes they distinguish that posture from solicitousness and could prefer the latter.  They do not and cannot.  “Outrageous” implies they hope for a warm and general approval by insiders and outsiders alike.  They do not.  “Dangerous” assumes they aim for safety and security.  They do not.  “Shameless” implies they have a conscience to accuse them.  They do not.

No, who call themselves “Democrats”/”Liberals”/”Progressives” are human-hating, human-envying, human-eliminating criminals.  They cannot find any good in humanity.    Nor do they want to.  They have not even a definite goal.  They are simply criminals.  Their impulses resolve to a general genocide.

Regardless of their party history, “Democrats” and their operatives stand today as a criminal gang resolved upon harming the United States and the world beyond through cleverness, bluster, propaganda, threats, violence, theft, lies, deceit and terrorism.

San Sebastián Catedral, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain
San Sebastián Catedral, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain

Now, what are proper responses to this criminal gang, this so-called Democratic Party and their operatives with bylines, o’er hovering the United States of America, to splatter her with blood and excreta?

Impeachment.  Civil disobedience.  Publishing lists of particulars regarding their personal lives and activities, local, regional, state and national.  Civil RICO lawsuits against public agencies and unions, tax exempt organizations, primary, secondary, post-secondary and graduate faculties and administrators.

Sue/expose, including in class actions, parents and/or their estates whose minor children go on shooting sprees.  Ban/stigmatize such parents by legislating criminal penalties/liabilities against them.  At the state level, force sterilize males and females who have two children out of wedlock or who do not support two children their gamete conceived.

Purchase/convert and/or ignore their propaganda outlets, to include “pundits,” colleges, universities, “news” and “entertainment” “products.”  Civilian arrests.  More civil RICO lawsuits.  Hire PIs to research their doings and publish the findings in media formerly owned by them as well as in other media as available.

Build public and private family shooting parks to develop proficiency in all manner of arms and for family picnics, cultural events, etc.  Expand the number of shall-issue concealed and open carry states.  Install firearm knowledge and use as core curriculum in secondary and post-secondary education.

Pool resources to initiate class-action defamation lawsuits against “talking heads” and “pundits” (i.e., Democratic Party operatives with bylines) who declare firearm owners per se unfit, suspect or unworthy citizens, or impugn their integrity, civility, etc., or agitate their incarceration or death.

Require all competent adults between the ages of 18 and 65, minimum, to own a firearm and mated ammunition and to maintain competence therewith.  Vote for no politician or bureaucrat and condemn and disestablish every politician and bureaucrat who is not a proficient firearm owner/operator and not unequivocal and proven about upholding the responsibility of every competent adult citizen to be so.

Russian Bears And Russian Photographer, Russia
Russian Bears And Russian Photographer, Russia

Pamphlet, video, blog, publish, get the word out, name names, addresses, histories, distro as able.  Call them criminals to their faces.  Show them the word in the flesh.  Tell them it.  To their face.  Do not punce about or mince words, pull no punches, be daring, direct and unequivocal.  To FUD and misdirection, at which they excel and on which they partly rely – the other part being violence – say, “You are a criminal.”  That, my dear, is the truth.  Probably they will try to slug you, so be prepared.  Pivot, roll with the punch, they must not turn you.

Ultimately, criminal gangs are defeated by armed force and internal conflict.


(1)  The term is a pejorative from Jewish scholars to deprecate Christianity.  Now Caliphist scholars want to substitute “Abrahamic Civilization” to deprecate Christianity and Judaism.  The real descriptor is Christian Civilization, specifically: The Latin Church, to include the Roman Catholic and Reformation churches along with associated judicatories, and The Greek Church, to include the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches along with associated judicatories.

(2)  H. G. Wells, though a disciple who grew to loath Marxism, supported Lenin and his dictatorial plans.

(3)  A phrase by Glenn Reynolds, creator of Instapundit.

Update 1: How about a RICO suit at Tom Steyer?

Update 2: Concealed Carry: It’s Booming!

Update 3: The Rise Of Concealed Carry

Update 4: NRA-ILA | Gun Laws

Update 5: A statement regarding equating Christianity with Communism:

Several New Testament parables are used, since decades, to equate Christianity with Communism. Virtually the entire “mainline denomination” leadership, to include now Roman Catholics, concurs at least in principle with that equation. Thus the pews empty out, which, remarkably, convinces that leadership to embrace leftist manners and language more tightly: cut loose by God, let’s be saved by politics.

Christianity brightly distinguishes the realm of civil authority and law from the realm of religious authority, which transcends civil authority and law and has no law of its own. Each realm has its utility, powers and necessity (“Give unto Caesar….”) and neither has authority to control or dominate the other.

The relationship between religion and science is the same. They are about different matters entirely, without intersection, confirmation or conflict. Like civil authority and religious authority, however, they are parallel, indomitable vectors of human experience and history.

Update 6: Susan Katz: Amid Capitol riot, FBI released files from Kennedy-era investigation into Nancy Pelosi’s father


Honors For The Fallen, Flag For The Widow And Child
Honors For The Fallen, Flag For The Widow And Child
Sarva Dharma Symbol
Sarva Dharma Symbol

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