You Are God’s God

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Life is a Power of Being, not an accident of history, not a chance operation.

Religionless Christianity is not a condition imposed on the churches by secular powers.  It is the nature of the Church.  The Church is religionless.  The Church is above and beyond religion.  Christianity is a power of being, new every moment, which frees man from religion by driving him beyond all boundaries of reason and the mind to emerge in the Absolute.  Christianity is by definition religionless.  Nothing is imposed on Christianity or the Church.  There exists no power to impose upon Her.  Try to preempt Her, yes.  Try to defeat Her, yes.  Malign Her, yes.  But to despoil or obstruct Her, no way jose.  Ain’t gonna happen because it can not happen.

Were Christianity a religion, then, yes, Christianity could be deformed.  But Christianity is not a religion and therefore cannot be deformed.  Who can oppose the Power of God?  Who?  What?  How?  When?  Why?  Answer: nada, amigo.  You can kill Christians and deform the churches, amigo, but you cannot kill Christianity or the Church.  The Power of God is beyond your area of operations.  So, amigo, suck sand or Harvey Cox, which is the same.

Remember the vertical component of life, always.  The horizontal component grows ever more engrossing, which is fine for what it is (finite, partial) and requires (firmness, calm), but never let the vertical component out of sight or at least out of mind.  It is always present and far more potent, potentially and often actually, than the horizontal component, for all its glittering, dazzling spectacularity.  The vertical component in action, out of seeming nowhere, then disappearing.  Very in character.

I do not take it as fecklessness. I take it as deft Occupy White House power politics on the side of Assad and Iran. For all that is happening, cui bono? Assad and Iran. Few indeed grasp that Occupy White House never has and never will work for America or Americans. They went in intending no such thing while pretending they did. And almost everyone believed the pretend or wanted to believe the intend was not serious even though their teachers for decades had been clear that America and Americans are to be despised and humiliated, especially American military personnel. I despair that even our most talented and thoughtful leader cadre still do not grasp this fact. These evil-doers are globalists to whom the USA is an impediment, a bug, not a feature, soon to be extinct … along with a goodly portion of her population (never let a crisis go to waste). Why in the name of all that is gracious are their own words and actions not taken seriously for the competence they manifest? At least J. Christian Adams today on Tom Perez gets it.

Obama’s OODA loop is Obfuscate, Obstruct, Deny, Abstain (on OODA loop, see also here)

The Pope and Obama are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd.  The Pope leans towards Obama and said, “Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy?  This joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they’ll forever speak of this day and rejoice!”  Obama replied, “I seriously doubt that!  With one little wave of your hand? Show me!”  So the Pope backhanded Obama along side his head and knocked him off the stage!  THE CROWD ROARED and CHEERED WILDLY and there was happiness throughout the land!

U. S. Marine Corps Research Findings: Where is the Case for Co-Ed Ground Combat?

The Islamic State’s Global Reach

Knucklehead Row

Is The Islamic State Islamic?

Ultimately, perhaps Rockefeller’s most consequential decision—to abandon his dreams of becoming an architect in favor of politics—was his true failing. Smith recounts an interaction Rockefeller had with a staffer in Albany who was also an abstract painter. The governor asked the assistant “how he came by his talent. Told that it welled up from inside, from a self-expression demanding release, Nelson responded dejectedly, “That’s how I felt, but I could never do anything about it.”

This lying, cheating and stealing globalist revolutionaries must employ to get what they want reminds me of paying for fast-food at a drive-up window with a firearm. One may get away with it once, twice, thrice, maybe more often. But eventually one’s patterns are read and one’s freedom diminished. One has to be an idiot to want to live by lies, cheating and stealing. Reality does not tolerate that ever and finally catches up with it to end its career.

Update 1: Former Obama Intel Chief: Administration’s Iran Policy Is Willful Ignorance

Update 2: NRA-ILA | Gun Laws

Update 3: Washington Compost: Turkey’s Predicament


Julie London and Bobby Troup
Julie London and Bobby Troup

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