Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
Feminism is a mental disease ladies do not want.
By Stacy McCain at The Other McCain, in a series of posts titled Sex Trouble.
This is brilliant work, a classic example of investigative journalism: deep research at primary sources, broad correlation with parallel phenomena, strong distillation and grasp of decisive truths. I especially commend today’s contribution to the series.
Insanity indeed is the burden of these shriveled creatures. Their condition is heart-breaking but even more so is one taking them as sane, or worse, as political fodder.
I wonder what drugs have contributed to this disaster, this mass proliferation of mental disease. Wide, open drug use came out at the same time queers did, late 60s, early 70s. And now heroin streaming through. That and queers must be connected.
Update 1: IMHO, feminism is a cry for help to men to do their duty, to hold the world together and leave off trivial pursuits, such as piling up possessions, sexual conquests, commercial, academic and bureaucratic conquests, and attend, instead, to their primal structural duty, which is to make the world free, safe and happy for women and children. The New World is New Being. American men in particular, therefore, are duty-bound to make the whole world new, ever fresh and light, for their women and children, which means, really, all women and children.
Update 2: Stacy McCain on Feminism’s Big Lie.
Update 3: An American Renaissance.
Update 4: Caliphists, one is sure, look forward to duking it out with females for world domination.
Update 5: Reblog: Research Finds That As A Group, Only Men Pay Taxes
Update 6: The Myth of the Peaceful Woman