Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
Now there IS “state-sponsored terrorism.” Actually, there has been all along. And it was not terrorism, it was — and is — Caliphism. al-Qaeda is marginalized by a truly able scholar/cleric enabled by a truly evil criminal organization feeding on Washington, London, Paris and Berlin: … whoever released him from US custody four years ago may now be regretting it. Compliments of European and American mothers — most of them — who never loved their children. Love is the strength that holds a nation safe and a people secure. None else can do it. Your mother and your father love you or you are food for evil doers.
Update 1: Famiglia Saud, again, bankrolling proxy, probably to open second front on Iran. Bankrolling hard boy festivities in Iraq since 2007 at least.
Saud Department of Liars: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wishes to see the defeat and destruction of all al-Qaeda networks and of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham operating in Iraq. Saudi Arabia does not provide either moral or financial support to ISIS or any terrorist networks. Any suggestion to the contrary, is a malicious falsehood.
We do not and we will not support violence or extremism in any form, anywhere by anyone. At all times we seek and strive for a peaceful coexistence between all people both within our country and with our region and in the wider world community.
President Bush’s egregious mistake was taking them for terrorists, militants and extremists. The conception behind this designation fatally subverted OEF and OIF. It was stupid. A brief respite obtained from Petraeus’ treating the situation as a military-based pacification and life-building mission facing a pair of constituted armed forces, one Sunni, one Shiia.
Then, a certifiably insane conception overwhelmed the stupidity of terrorist/militant/extremist: man-caused disaster.
It was always war by Caliphists against anyone not of their ilk. It remains so. And now, because of one stupid and one insane conceptuality of who and what they are, far greater destruction. The major American and European political parties are in thrall to evil.
Update 3: Watch Kurds. They are Aryans and not Caliphists. During OIF, Coalition Soldiers could walk the streets of Kurdish cities and villages without weapons. They were welcomed.
Update 4: Michael Walsh gets it, mostly.
Update 5: Mitt Romney
Update 6: Austin Bay gets it.
Update 7: Bruce Thornton really gets it.
Supporting Thornton — and dismissing Bush’s terrorists and 0’s man made disasters as appeasement — from, of all places, Harvard Madrassa, is this translation (PDF) of Abu Bakr Naji’s defining statement on jihad: The Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which The Umma Will Pass. In contrast to Abu Baker Nada’s theology of murder — i.e., Islam — is the South Dakota Republican Party’s recent declaration that liberty shall be the law of the land.
Update 8: Robert Spencer: Whitewashing The Caliphate.
Update 9: On 20JUN14, one Raymond Ibrahim, at PJMedia(!), essayed superficially on Islam’s Protestant Reformation. I commented:
Historical, textual and form criticism of the Koran proceeds quietly and with palpable risk to life and limb. But it proceeds. These tools were applied to the Christian and Hebrew Bibles over the last nearly 300 years, since Reimarus. Probably the best work of this kind will come, as it did for Christianity and Judaism, from Germany.
This is the most powerful threat to Caliphist pretensions and its potential has triggered the several visible reactionary vectors of puritanical Caliphist violence just as did the several Enlightenments of the 18th Century, including the American one, trigger the puritanical, hateful reaction of Wahhab. USA has been at war with Wahhab’s terrorized, purist minions since Jefferson sent a Naval and Marine punitive expedition to the Med and Tripoli.
It’s not a ten-year war. It’s a 200+-year war. Time to end that war in victory through unconditional surrender of every trouble-maker in the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Then we can get on to the big enemy today: China (and here).
It’s not about who is good or bad. It is about who is right and who is wrong. Puritans, purists, violent ones, are always wrong. They deserve power crashing down on them and flattening their wills to fight.
Update 10: And Al Saud intends to keep it up. See also here.
Update 11: On 27 January 2015, Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis addressed the United States Senate Armed Services Committee on the subject A New American Grand Strategy. At Hoover Institution, who published an adapted version of General Mattis’ address, I commented — with edits here — as follows:
Not that it matters, but, I both appreciate and despond over General Mattis’ address here. Appreciate because (1) as a genuine warrior he says what he sees and eloquently and (2) his heart is unalloyed courage and compassion. Despond because (1) his address reflects lack of situational awareness — half his auditors at least regard the nation state, including USA, as obsolete and perishing — and (2) his address, although latterly specifying or implying serious tactical weaknesses of current operations, transits the periphery of his title: grand national strategy.
It is rare for a military leader to grasp and execute the several strands — principally diplomatic, economic and military, but others as well — of grand national strategy sufficiently to create a rational grand national strategic *goal* that is also inspirational. It is rare for anyone to be able to do that. General David Petraeus has that ability, which is why the Anti-American, Globalist-partisan US Justice [so-called] Department is persecuting/prosecuting him. Asking Congress or a bureaucracy to develop that ability and execute with it compares with asking a herd of cats to organize an expedition to summit Annapurna. Distilling and serving a happy grand national strategic *goal* is a personal, leadership thing few can do, but some definitely can and do accomplish. Their thoughts merit discovery and attendance.
The cynosure of a nation is not her grand national strategy. It is her grand national strategic *goal.* Given what we see now, project and anticipate — always expecting the unexpected, as General Mattis mentions, thankfully, in his address — where and what do we want to be as a nation three, five, ten, etc. years hence? What is our goal? What do we really, truly — as a nation — want for and of ourself to be, to do, to think? What is our inner necessity as a nation? What are we on this earth to accomplish as a national presence? And why do members of Congress not live in the states from which they were selected for office?
Related: On 04 March 2015 Marine GEN (Ret.) James N. Mattis wrote for Hoover Institution under title Using Military Force Against ISIS. I commented:
I am content that GEN (Ret.) Mattis’ thinking, clear and compelling, be expressed in public. Thank you, General! Our countrymen are working their way towards how they will think and what they will do when they are quit of the hag riding their back. And they will be that. This exercise in preparation for the restoration of national sovereignty and wealth flowing from national moral and intellectual strength is what should be happening and what is happening. I am content.
Update 12: An interesting comment string arose at Instapundit when Glenn Reynolds referenced Mark Cunningham on the subject of what The Fraud should say about Islam. I commented as follows, making an important observation regarding the effect of religion on affairs:
Were I to take Cunningham’s essay as serious thought — and I think it is not — I would say his face is too close to the canvas, he has seen a couple of swirls of paint and yelled, “Eureka!” Were he serious, he would pull back to ponder the whole canvas or at least more of it than has caught his fancy. His enthusiasm would, shall we say, moderate.
Serious, productive thought cannot come from other than a monastic. Men and women bearing the daily burdens and cares of life, such as Cunningham, simply cannot and will not create intellectual and moral forms that benefit anyone lastingly. They are too busy, and justly so, one hopes. Such men and women can use such forms once they are created, but create them they can not and will not. Those stepped way back from the canvas — monastics — do that. The truth is the whole.
Update 13: 15 March 2015: Bill Jacobson at Legal Insurrection notes Valerie Jarrett shoving the knife in Hillary and twisting it. I commented:
That this email, etc. business came from the White House was clear from the start. MSM do not run negative Democrat stories without orders from a Democrat White House. This NY Post story is more of same: Jarrett twisting the knife she already shoved inside Hillary. [Today is the ides of March.]
The purpose of this drama is, clear the decks for Michelle to occupy Oval Office.
Valerie said, of late, she will leave the White House when the lights go out. A curious expression until one considers that she means when she closes it. Meaning, she, Barry and Michelle plan to continue their “rule” — as consiglieri-”elect” Valerie put it in 2008 — but on an expanded scale, and from a different mansion, one they/cronies build over the next 10 years, while Michelle holds the White House, one appropriate for their global rule.
Val, Barry and Michelle have millions or at least hundreds of thousands of backers for that aim. They will turn out the lights in the White House when they have its globe-girdling successor built, because the White House represents a mere nation state, which they transcend and soon shall make all the rest. So they think. So they plan.
Update 14: Hillary Destroys Evidence [Updated], and here, and here
Update 15: The Saudi Connection: Wahhabism and Global Jihad, and related: Qatar.
Update 16: Daniel Greenfield: Building An Islamic State In America, One Church At A Time
Update 17: Why ISIS Is Irrational: The Asharite/Mutazilite Conflict
Update 18: Stephen M. Kirby: The Lure Of Fantasy Islam
Update 19: Counter-Terrorism: Fundamental Changes Inside Islam
Update 20: Theological Explanations of Islamist Radicalism Deeply Mistaken, Russian Scholars Say
Update 21: Archbishop of Canterbury get it right about Islam and law in Latin Culture. Also here.
Update 22: Andrew G. Bostom: Leo III’s 1300-Year-Old Lesson: Understand Islam to Defeat Jihad