I Am I: Independence, Command And Control

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



A Declaration Of The Principles, Aims And
Programs Of Progressive Collectivists

Our goal is one-world planetary ecological sustainability for the well-brought-up achieved progressively by enactment and enforcement of life-value standards guided collectively by Science.

The goal of the progressive collectivist is progressive empowerment of the collectivist utopia defined by Science as one-world planetary ecological sustainability.

The principle of life is ecological sustainability.  Science teaches us exactly what ecological sustainability is and exactly what we must do to achieve it.  We now know what our future should be and how to control it as members of planetary ecological sustainability, or as we say, Mother Earth.  All of this goodness and wisdom comes from Science.

We are indeed blessed to be in the wise hands of well-brought-up scientists.  They are the basis and reason for progressive collectivism.

Through Science, we aim to serve and protect the vast self-regulating organism known as Mother Earth or Gaia.  The Feminine Principle scientifically understood is our rallying point and ultimate concern.  The well-brought-up embody and represent the Science of Mother Earth and progressive collectivists are Her well-brought-up scientist-practitioners.

Repeating now for emphasis: Science has enabled progressive collectivism, the greatest achievement in the history of the Solar System.  Science gives us the power to know what needs doing and the tools of command and control to get it done.  We have our mission and we have our means.  Our technological expertise, which is both a cause and an effect of science, is the great savior of Mother Earth from the depredation of not-well-brought-up human reproduction and longevity.

The fundamental requirement for one-world planetary eco-sustainability is the termination of ego-sustainability.  The termination of ego-sustainability yields eco-stability.

Accordingly, our efforts aim at terminating the ego-factor that is resisting the great opportunity afforded us by Science to achieve one-world planetary eco-sustainability.  The not-well-brought-up human biomass is to be eliminated at the near end and eradicated at the far end of its life-course.

The planet, our Mother Earth, is being forced to sustain approximately six billion surplus, marauding egos whose only activity is to tear Her down, to rape Her if you will.  These egos are in the form of a biomass of human animals which degrades and impedes the one-world realization by consuming time, space, food, water, minerals, air and education, making those blessings of Mother Earth and the well-brought-up both scarce and non-renewable.

The biomass of human animals, not-well-brought-up and driven by ego, is unsustainable ecologically and unfair socially.  Time, space, food, water, minerals, air and education belong to wild plants, wild animals and well-brought-up humans.

The existence of so many human animals is an affront to progressive collectivists because it endangers Mother Earth.  Our fragile, closed-system eco-organism is self-healing when Her abilities are not taxed, but She groans and moans under the weight of the burden of these approximately 6 billion superfluous and, really, dangerous egos or human animals.  Those egos are a reproach on Her face and a security threat to the principle of one-world planetary eco-sustainability.

General Of The Army Douglas MacArthur
General Of The Army Douglas MacArthur

To ensure the hope of one-world eco-sustainability emerges into reality, and to secure our future against the impulses of egos, progressive collectivists espouse and practice the following programs:

1- Under our leadership, the United States of America, a perishing but proximately useful tool, assumes planetary leadership of progressive collectivism and is empowered by rights appertaining to its superiority in Science to commence and enforce one-world planetary eco-sustainability.  Accordingly, planet-wide be it hereby known and accepted that:

2- Individual freedom is anathema and will not be tolerated.  Science as construed by progressive collectivists governs the rules and manners of life.

3- Human conception is by permit only and then only to the well-brought-up, and with special accommodation for those of African or Mohammedan parentage.

4- Offspring of this parentage are to be handed off at birth to same-sex partners or single homosexual individuals to give those offspring maximum opportunity to be reared to abominate conjugation and thus become progressive collectivists serving under Science by helping to ensure one-world planetary eco-sustainability.

5- Permits for conception are granted only in the number determined by Science to ensure exact equality year-over-year between births and deaths planet-wide and then only to breeding stock certified by Science as appropriate and timely for one-world planetary eco-sustainability.

6- 10-20% annually of world population, from age 30 years to age 100 years, is to be eradicated voluntarily or by compulsion, starting with business, military, Christian and Hindu leadership cadres.  Attorneys, teachers, conservative radio hosts, conservative bloggers and liberal arts professors are next down in the hierarchy of eradication priorities.

A rate of eradication faster than that here indicated is desirable and will be supported if Science makes it practical.  Just as it is, however, the age-group eradication program is admittedly ambitious if for no other reason than the sheer biomass that must result from its operation and therefore require sustainable recycling to help rather than harm the eco-system.

7- Ego eradication biomass production will present problems of scale with respect to its product, suggesting conversion of that product to human-and animal-edible feedstocks, bio-fuels and household products such as toothpaste tubes and condoms.  Recycled human animal biomass is a serendipity of eco-smart progressive collectivism.  We are Green.

8- Nation states or national jurisdictional authorities are null and void on the basis of fundamental principle.  They represent individualism and freedom, two concepts and activities anathema to one-world planetary eco-sustainability.  They should never have come into existence and must not be allowed to continue.  For a brief period, however, starting in January 2009, the nation state called The United States of America has temporary utility as planetary leader, to include enforcement, of one-world planetary eco-sustainability.

9- Privacy is an enemy of progressive collectivism.  It is anathema and will not be tolerated.  The whole point of progressive collectivism is universal commitment to the rule of Science and universal submission to the wishes of the well-brought-up.  The rule of Science and the wishes of the well-brought-up are one and the same.

10- Fairness is the keystone of progressive collectivism.  Without fairness, there can be no eco-sustainability.

Therefore freedom of thought and speech are anathema because they have the potential for being not fair.

Freedom of thought and speech can enable and allow dispute with the Science of progressive collectivism.  But dispute with Science is not fair because Science is infallible and plenary.

Dispute with the well-brought-up is abhorrent on its face, perhaps more so than dispute with Science because it occurs at a person rather than at an organization.  Dispute with the well-brought-up is manifestly unfair.

For these reasons, therefore, freedom of speech is anathema.  Fairness is the keystone of progressive collectivism.

Also, based on the keystone of fairness, no weapons or even potential weapons are allowed other than as needed by elite enforcement organizations required to suppress such human animal biomass as lingers before its complete termination or is maintained for breeding labor to support the well-brought-up.

The well-brought-up have no need of weapons and find them repugnant in any case.  And it would be manifestly unfair to enforcement organizations to allow the not-well-brought-up to possess weapons with which to strike them or other well-brought-up.

For this reason also, therefore, fairness defines progressive collectivism.

11- Breeding stocks representing the finest examples of the progressive collectivist ideal are to be kept busy on a schedule determined by scientific measurement of needs for maintaining the wellness of the well-brought-up against potential deterioration of the planetary eco-system.  Unsustainable numbers will not be tolerated, even of the well-brought-up.

These breeding stocks will favor representatives of African and Mohammedan parentage.  Christian, Hindu and other imperialist, totalitarian religious and secular egotistical, non-progressive, non-collectivist breeding stocks will cease to exist.  Humanism, for example, insofar as it is lukewarm towards the principle of fairness, will not be represented in allowed breeding stocks.

12- It may be necessary to maintain a small stock of human animal biomass in order to provide the necessities of life for the well-brought-up.  The exact number allowed, if any, will be determined by Science.  Since the well-brought-up have few fundamental needs beyond rich foods, lavish living and constant travel, and since it is undesirable for their numbers to exceed planetary eco-sustainability, as determined by Science, it may be unnecessary to maintain breeding stock of human animal biomass.  Time will tell.

In any case, Science will make the determination in this as in all other matters.  Fortunately, Science has wisdom and power to do that, so the progressive collectivist is well-served in any event.

The word eugenics means well-brought-up.  The theory and practice of eugenics are the origin and purpose of the progressive collectivist, who embodies eugenic perfection.  Their eugenic perfection is the basis of the progressive collectivist’s moral superiority and the driver of their plenary entitlement in all aspects of life, whatever they wish.  We are Science.

Science is the great enabler of this wisdom and ability we now have to make our lives better by conjoining them with the intrinsic sustainability of our planetary eco-system.

The Chambered Nautilus / Spira Mirabilis
The Chambered Nautilus / Spira Mirabilis

Man degrades Mother Earth.  Except in the smallest possible numbers, his existence threatens the balance of nature and the quality of life universally.  The Male Principle is the enemy of existence.  Admittedly a necessary presence as breeding stock (so far), but otherwise and always the Male Principle is inherently dangerous.  The Homosexual Principle is the perfect, superior representative of life and eco-sustainability.  The Male Principle must be kept under strictest suppression and allowed to exist in the smallest possible numbers in the meanest possible extent, as determined by Science.

A grand future lies ahead of us.  We pant with tingling sensation for its realization through our history-making efforts.  The United States of America, while scheduled to cease being, nonetheless stands on the cusp of planetary leadership in the progressive establishment of one-world planetary eco-sustainability through collectivist action.

This is our moment.  Our life-values are law meant to dominate the world.  The greatest, most fundamental transformation and the highest hope the world has ever known, is us.  We are on the March to Victory.  We are we — the hope, the yearning and the salvation of the planet.

All Glory to Mother Earth And Her
Progressive Children Of Eco-Sustainable Collectivist Society


Update 1: The Declaration Of Independence, Fixed

Update 2: Angela Merkel Reflects Fear and Loathing Amid EU Elites ….


Russian Bears, Brother And Sister
Russian Bears, Brother And Sister
Templar Shield
Templar Shield

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