Battle Stations

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



The Socialist-Caliphist Alliance

Of Dregs, Droogs and Defectives

How To Stop A Blitzkrieg Attack

Socialists and Caliphist make alliance at least since the 1930s.  They share a common goal: world domination.  They share a common source: demonic scholars.  Their mutual zeal for tyranny has different drivers but the same effect: Socialism goes to Fascism (tyranny by suspicion) and Communism (tyranny by jealousy), Caliphism goes to Jihad (tyranny by hatred).

Pictured on this page are Socialists and Caliphists individually and allied: Palestinian, German, Egyptian, Pakistani, Kenyan, Russian and Iraqi.

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The demonic personality occupying the White House embodies the Socialist-Caliphist Alliance.  He, his partner and entourage were placed there in order to complete the Socialist-Caliphist domination of the United States and the world which began in earnest during the 1950s.

In 1949, while in the United States studying to criticize her, Sayyid Qutb, principle apologist for The Muslim Brotherhood, published a volume whose title in English expresses the Socialist-Caliphist Alliance: Social Justice in Islam.  The theme is heard often now in remonstrations from the White House.

The Socialist-Caliphist Alliance has been and is conducting a blitzkrieg attack against the USA.

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The Socialist-Caliphist Alliance

Of Dregs, Droogs and Defectives

How To Stop A Blitzkrieg Attack

Every race has its dregs, its low life, its defectives.  Some are born (karma), some are made (drugs).


These are demonic personalities, attenuated in growth, incomplete in development and therefore imperfect.  The spiritually imperfect, not the physically imperfect, are the focus of these observations.

During this Iron Age (Kali Yuga), their number is large in all mixtures, every group.

To the spiritually imperfect, power and meaning are unconnected.  These are unripe personalities.  They pursue power or meaning but never at once, always alone.  Their instinct is segregationist: alienate, cheat, ruin and destroy.  They exult in stolen merit.  Their mouths emit lies.

Perfect personalities are happy when others are happy and sad when others are sad.  Imperfect personalities are happy when others are sad and sad when others are happy.

Dregs think they are the norm of their race.  They attract the dregs other races and think they are the norms of theirs.  Normal people know the truth, they recognize who of their race is normal and who are dregs.  Some normal people recognize the dregs of races not their own.

Dregs of one race are proud to be in the company of dregs of another race, thinking the alliance drives them above the status of their own birth or self-making.

When normal people recognize the spiritual dregs of their own or other races, that is not racism.  It is clear vision that should be encouraged.

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The Socialist-Caliphist Alliance

Of Dregs, Droogs and Defectives

How To Stop A Blitzkrieg Attack

How is a blitzkrieg attack stopped?

I am indebted to two friends, Soldiers, for the following answers to that question.

The short answer is: pinch the shoulders of the incursion, break its lines of communication (LOC) and chew.

The long answer is: the same thing that makes it effective in the first place, namely: *

  • a good, well-coordinated full-spectrum attack,
  • hold the flanks of the penetration,
  • blunt the point of the penetration, forcing the enemy to dismount and deploy in conventional line of battle,
  • attack into the flanks of the penetration to sever its LOC, then annihilate its actors.

The incursion of the Socialist-Caliphist Alliance into the USA focuses, as Sayyid Qutb did, on her system of education.  Its LOC comprises English, Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Arabic faculty supported by petro-dollars and “men’s” clubs, Roman Catholic and Protestant religious and secular clergy, state DOEs, publishers, CAIR, trial lawyers, virtually all departments of the US Government and the Black Congressional Caucus.

The flanks of the penetration are admissions staffs and alumni of virtually all colleges and universities, especially state schools and “Ivies.”

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The current telos or aim of history reveals humanity as the anvil against which Providence, through its infinite and infinitely mysterious Love, is hammering demonic personalities comprising the Socialist-Caliphist Alliance, to reform them, to give them new birth.  Participate.

Update 1: Socialists’ attraction to anti-American strongmen.

Update 2: Waller R. Newell: Understanding Tyranny And Terror: From The French Revolution To Modern Islamism.

Update 3: The Jihadis’ Master Plan To Break Us

Update 4: Clare M. Lopez: History Of The Muslim Brotherhood Penetration Of The U.S. Government

Update 5: The Muslim Brotherhood In America: A Course In 10 Parts


Jerome And Mr. Lion
Jerome And Mr. Lion

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