Time: Linear and Kairotic

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Is linear/chronological time a meaningful concept separated out from kairotic time?  Linear time being how scientists take time and kairotic time being how, for example, Bible takes time: In the fullness of time, …. meaning, there is the phenomenon of polytime with its polyphonic strands coming around at this point in time to some right time for this or that thing.

The language of kairotic time, indicated by the phrases in italics, is in the common language, interestingly.  Apparently, kairotic time is deeply enough felt to have its concepts in the vernacular.  Maybe even more so than linear time, which would be interesting.

I wonder if anybody really even feels linear/chronological time, at least in any systemic way.  Sub-sub-sub-systemically it can be felt, perhaps, but systemically?  I doubt.

Anyhow, is linear/chronological time even a useful concept?

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Xi Jinping wants to co-opt Three Brothers Alliance

My comment: Xi is a smart cookie, bent version.  He sees the Three Brothers global authority rationale and wants to be one of the brothers.  Not possible: his people are not Christian and he has the wrong geography and ethnography.  His three brothers would rest on economics, not geography or ethnography.  Sand, not rock.


Alaska Railroad, Spencer Glacier
Alaska Railroad, Spencer Glacier

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