Security Brief: De-Recognize The Clergy

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front):  De-recognize clergy, to include rabbis, cantors, mullahs, imams, lamas, priests, preachers, ministers, reverends, pastors, bishops, cardinals, popes, chaplains, shamans, channelers, mediums, wizards, witches, warlocks, goddesses, deacons, deans, prelates, presbyters, ayatollahs, etc.  The monastics of all faiths/religions are de-recognizing the clergy of all faiths/religions.  Only monastics and their guides, Sages, are unafraid of clergy.

Prologue:  During the 20th Century, humanity faced and defeated a double challenge to its worldwide hegemony.  The challenge was political in nature, comprising two companion forms of tyranny, Fascism and its obverse, Communism.  The challenge originated in the orbit of ersatz religion as the impulses of the hearts of demonic personalities, which are the only product of ersatz religion.  Fascism originated in the orbit of the Vatican and Communism originated in the orbit of Ashkenazi Jewry.

Starting in the latter decades of the 20th Century and to continue for some decades of the 21st Century, humanity is facing, and will defeat, another challenge to its worldwide hegemony.  This challenge is moral in nature, comprising a perfervid (literally explosive) promulgation of misogyny.  This challenge also originated in the orbit of ersatz religion as the impulses of the hearts of demonic personalities.  Misogyny originates in the orbit of homosexuality.  Its principal promulgators are homosexual personalities associated with schools and places of worship.

Clergy are the prime promulgators of homosexuality and, ipso facto, of misogyny.  The defeat of misogyny is the mission upon which humanity is launched and at which it will succeed.

Exposition:  The harm and sorrow residents of our planet are suffering result from the machinations of clergy.  Clergy have lacked divine authorization for nearly 150 years.  The representatives of the type we see, comprising broad spectra of opinion and method, are illegitimate, self-proclaimed, a detritus from a superceded era persisting partly but poisonously into a superceding one.

Assisted anonymously and amply by a few Sages who are put on earth for the purpose, humanity is able, and required, to conduct their religious affairs themselves using the Resident of their own hearts as guide.  Humanity must trust the Self they really are.

Sages: Sages are endowed and designated with ability and responsibility to lead humanity in three unique and essential ways:

  1. From falsehood into truth;
  2. From darkness into light;
  3. From death into immortality.

Signs of the presence and handiwork of Sages include:

  1. Sages encourage unrestricted and independent inquiry of all sacred literature.
  2. Sages make sacred literature a continuing, creative presence in world history.
  3. Sages are self-reliant; they earn their living by the labor of their own hands.
  4. Sages support, collate and produce sacred literature.
  5. Sages vouch for the validity of all religions, especially the Five Great Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism/Baha’i, Islam and Christianity.

Conclusion: Duty is God.  Work is Worship.



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