A Breviary Of Adwaitha Hermitage

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



A   P E N I T E N T I A L   F O R M

The Confession

Let us acknowledge our condition.
Gracious Parent, Mother and Father!
Our faith in You has not been steady.
Our adherence to Truth has not been unalterable.
Our love for brothers and sisters has not been selfless.
Our witness to Your Grandeur has not been unsullied.
Our rememberance of Your Name has not been unbroken.

Save us, Father!  Save us, Mother!  Save us!
Be with us at the time of trial.

I am a cripple whom God has touched.

The Absolution

Our God knows all before it is asked
and sees all before it is done.
He has equal love for every living thing.
He feels the agony of separation more keenly than we do.
He cannot refuse the sincere pleading of a contrite heart.

let those who are contrite be at peace,
walk forward with firm step,
forget the past
and refrain from errors previously committed.

Our God resides in the heart of every being.

Adwaitha Hermitage
November 1991


A N   E X H O R T A T I O N

Leader:  Brothers!  Sisters!
Let content be our content.

People:  We agree!

Adwaitha Hermitage
November 1991


A   C O L L E C T   F O R   A L L – S A I N T S

The old year has passed away.
The new year begins today.

Rama Sita, Krishna Radha, Sathya Sai.

Bharadwaja, Valmiki, Vyasa, Suka.

Abraham, Gauthama, Pythagoras, Zoroaster,
Lao Tzu, Isa, Mohammed.

Moses, Paul, Jerome, Elijah, Jeremiah.

Kausalya, Rukmini, Mandodari, Miriam, Judith,
Mary Magdalene, Monica, Paula, Scholastica,
Clare, Theresa, Madam Guyon.

Euclid, Archimedes, Ben Maimon, Francis,
Rama-Krishna, Ramana Maharshi, Lee, Jackson,

Hanuman, Jatayu, Jambavantha, Adiseesha,
Secretariat, Charles, Sampathi, Vali, Angada,
Halftime, Gita, Cisco, Henrietta, Puff-Ball,
Twin Kitty, Jolly Roger, Shrewness, Elmer, Mike,
Blighter, Bernard, Philippe, Max.

Any other persons, animals, places or things ….

Adwaitha Hermitage
October 1992


A   P R O P E R   F O R   A L L – S A I N T S

When You come to earth,
You call Your playmates
and bring them with You.

You delight in their presence
and they delight in Yours.

Your playmates are always looking for each other.
They give each other happiness, as they do You.

Adwaitha Hermitage
October 1992


A   C O L L E C T   F O R   C H R I S T M A S

For the protection of the righteous,
for the destruction of the wicked,
and for the re-establishment of Truth,
Righteousness, Peace and Love,
You incarnate from age to age.


A   C H R I S T M A S   R E M E M B E R A N C E

Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Isa (Jesus) of Nazareth, Mary, Jerome, Douglas MacArthur and Francesca Graham, Kevin Berg and Dianne Onstad, Bill Paddock, Lori Hall.

Elliott and Lucie Benveniste Kavesh, George Vutetakis, Robert and Ann Lund, Nancy and Lucius H. Biglow, Jr., James Luster, Jr., Malcolm and Mary Stuart, Katherine Taylor.


A   P R O P E R   F O R   C H R I S T M A S

“Lord!  You are the Conflagration that destroys
the Forest of Delusion in which man has lost himself.

“You are the Solar Orb that makes it possible
for the Lotuses of the Hearts of Good Men
to bloom in beauty and fragrance.

“You are the King of Beasts,
come to destroy the brood of Demonic Elephants.

“You are the Eagle come to hunt down and destroy
the bird that flits into birth and flits out of life,
in a recurring cycle of joy and grief.

“Lord!  Your eyes are as charming as Lotuses.
My two eyes cannot drink in all the beauty of your effulgent Form.

“You are the Moon that sheds cool light to enrapture
the twin Chakora birds, namely, the eyes of Sita.

“You swim happily as the Celestial Swan
in the placid lakes that shine in the hearts of Sages.

“You are the Garuda Bird that preys upon and destroys
the Serpents that breed in the minds of doubters and unbelievers.
All cruelty, confusion and calamity will be burnt away
when a tiny glance from your eye falls on them.”

Ramakatha Rasavahini
Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Vol. II, p. 10.

Adwaitha Hermitage
Christmas 1992


A   C O L L E C T   F O R   G O O D   F R I D A Y

O Divine Master !
By Your acceptance of fate,
By Your resignation to destiny,
even when this entailed harm to Yourself,
You demonstrated the perfect attitude
of a spiritual aspirant.


A   G O O D   F R I D A Y   R E M E M B R A N C E

We remember those who have died or suffered for the Faith …. especially …. Jewish and all other victims of the French, Communist and Nazi Terrors, Sephardim expelled from Spain and persecuted there, Bahai’s persecuted in Persia and elsewhere, the martyrs of Uganda, Pharsees expelled from Persia, Moslems persecuted in Europe and Africa and all other ethnic or religious groups of whatever name that are made to feel unsafe.

In particular, today, we remember, Elijah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Judith, Mary, Stephen, Paul, Jerome, Agnes, Clare, Xavier, Theresa, More, Madam Guyon, Pascal, Calvin, Fox, Thoreau, Mary Baker Eddy, R. Buckminster Fuller, Jermaine, Bonhoeffer, Malcolm X, Suki and all rocks, plants, organisms, insects, fish, birds and animals whose lives are cut short by a-dharmic intentions.


A   P R O P E R   F O R   G O O D   F R I D A Y

You lifted up Jesus upon the cross
as an example of acceptance.

You placed before humanity
this evidence of the horror of cruelty.

When He was dying on the cross
and getting unkind thoughts about
His persecutors,
Jesus heard You say to Him,
“All life is one,
My Dear Son,
Be alike to everyone.”

Adwaitha Hermitage
Good Friday 1993


A   C O L L E C T   F O R   E A S T E R

Lord Jesus !  You rose from death
fully Yourself.,
three days after You were crucified.

To You it seemed like three years.

You invited Your disciples who were faithful
to accompany You to India
or to remain near the Mediterranean.

You promised to be ever present
to the pure in heart and the humble in bearing.

You promised to protect those
who are devoted to You and
to bring them to the Father, to God.


P R A Y E R S   O F   T H E   H O L Y ,
C A T H O L I C   P E O P L E

Preserve, protect and keep us undefiled, O God,
according as we merit Your Grace
and as You resolve to let us have It.

We remember Your servants who have triumphed
on account of their adherence to Truth:
Maimonides, Clare, Dominic, Kausalya,
MacArthur, Jean MacArthur, Lee,
Rose of Lima, Jackson, Mary Ely Lyman.

We remember those whose faith in You was unshakeable,
whom You tested in the crucible of life
and found unmixed with down-ward-dragging tendencies:
Washington, Kaikeyi, Bach, Clara Schumann,
Glenn Gould, Betty Huff, Pasteur,
O’Keeffe, Kandinsky, Potter.

“The human crowd is a pack of crows.
They caw loud and hoarse,
without any rule or reason.
Men do not try to know the truth.
In their ignorance,
they blabber as the whim dictates.”
Sri Rama

Grant, Dear Friend, that we may ever merit
and have the company of genuine seekers
and those who truly love You.
Never let us fall into the arena
of the ordinary crowd.


A   P R O P E R   F O R   E A S T E R

You lift up Your children
from the humiliation of defeat.

You charge them with new zeal
and resource
for the game of life.

You do not allow Your kith and kin
to be carried off by a foreign power.

You test their loyalty
but not beyond their capacity.

You teach Your playmates, in this way,
to rely on You
and to finish the game.

Adwaitha Hermitage
Easter 1993


A   C O L L E C T   F O R   W H I T S U N

Lord, you come to all
who rely on You.
You protect them from harm
and hold them free from guilt.

You are the Resident
of every heart,
the Inner Spring
of every being.

You have resolved to save
all those who rely on You.
They are Your Source and
You are their delight.


A   P R O P E R   F O R   W H I T S U N

Like Wind and Fire,
He comes in the time of

Like Heat,
He is there when
He is contacted.

Like the Breath,
He is coming and going,
going and coming, ceaselessly.

Like the Eye,
He is seeing
this thing called ‘world.’

Adwaitha Hermitage
Whitsun 1993


Rama, Lakshmana (as Adisheesha) and Hanuman
Rama, Lakshmana (as Adisheesha) and Hanuman

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