You (One) Can See It

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


You can see good.  You can see truth.  You can see what is right.  You can see beauty.

Whether your character is good or bad does not matter.  You can see what is good, true, right and beautiful.

You can also see what does not exhibit those qualities.

You can see what is bad.  You can see what is a lie.  You can see what is wrong.  You can see what is ugly.

Likewise, you can also hear it, feel it, taste it and smell it.  Both good and bad, etc.

Every tool you need to navigate through life to return to its and your Source, by God’s Grace, you have.

Trust yourself and trust what you see, hear, feel, etc., as what you see, hear, etc., it to be.  When you see something is good, it is good.  When you see something is bad, it is bad. Trust that what you see, etc., is what is actually there and not something else.  Be confident that your sight, your hearing, your feeling, etc., is accurate.  And, though many will try, let no one convince you that what you see, etc., is not what is there but something else.

If you see it, hear it, feel it, etc., as good or bad, etc., that is what it is.  Stand by your observation.

An observation is not a judgement.  Far less is an observation a condemnation.  Judgement and condemnation have their place in life and you may be required to do one or both, but both rest on accurate observation.  So, observe and report what you observe at least to yourself and to others if you feel that required.  Be leonine in this regard.  Trust yourself and that what you see, hear, feel, etc. is accurate observation of what is there before you.

Repeat and emphasize: you can see, hear, feel, etc., what is good, right, beautiful, etc., whether you are a good person or a bad person or anywhere in between.  This is why people who commit bad deeds are prosecuted and punished.  They do not have the excuse that they cannot see, hear, feel, etc., what is good, right, beautiful, etc.  They most certainly can.

Update 1: Americans Have Lost Confidence In … Everything.

Update 2: Xi Jinping wants to co-opt Three Brothers Alliance

My comment: Xi is a smart cookie, bent version.  He sees the Three Brothers global authority rationale and wants to be one of the brothers.  Not possible: his people are not Christian and he has the wrong geography and ethnography.  His three brothers would rest on economics, not geography or ethnography.  Sand, not rock.



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