Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
Regarding President(s) Salvation From Hell
In Washington D.C., Brussels, London, Caracas, Harare, La Paz, Riyadh, Tehran, Tripoli, Peking, Khartoum, Pretoria and Pakistan we are seeing not the onset, nor yet the rampancy, but the senescence of an ideology.
The ideology is variously called Humanism, Deconstructionism, Salafism, Modernism, Afro-Centrism, Fascism, Liberalism, Peace and Freedom, Black Liberation Theology, Progressivism, Pan-Africanism, Open Society, Marxism, Peace and Justice, Leftism, Multi-Culturalism, Socialism, Multi-Polarism, Post-Modernism, Communism, Islamic Revolution, Choice, Revolutionary Islam, Change, Caliphism, Democratic Socialism, Hope, Liberation Theology, etc.
Its real name is profane eugenics.
The onset of profane eugenics was the work of Jean Jacques Rousseau in Western Europe and Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Tamimi in Eastern Arabia. Rousseau separated politics from culture and policy from anthropology. Al-Wahhab separated religion from God. The culmination of the onset of profane eugenics and the start of its rampancy was the French Revolution.
The rampancy of profane eugenics was the work of Karl Marx in Western Europe and Edward Wilmot Blyden in Western Africa. Marx connected culture with ideology. Blyden connected anthropology and religion with racism. The culmination of the rampancy of profane eugenics and the start of its senescence was the Russian Revolution.
The senescence of profane eugenics was the work of several individuals: Karl Popper, Frantz Fanon, Martin Luther King, Sayyid Kutb, Ayman Zawahiri, Shaikh Abu Mohammad Al Maqdisi, Malcolm Little (“Malcolm X”), Bernadine Dohrn, George F. Kennan, Daniel and Phillip Berrigan, Walter Duranty, Theodor Herzl, Jacques Derrida, Margaret Mead, John Dewey, Ede (Edward) Teller, Noam Chomsky, Benjamin Spock, Saul Alinsky, Julian and Aldous Huxley, Allen Ginsberg, James A. Pike, Alan Watts, James Cone, Seymour Hirsch, John Cage, the so-called Frankfurt School and so forth. These individuals connected racism with politics and economics, religion with ideology, philosophy with violence, justice with dis-equity, and psychotropic drugs with morality.
The culmination of the senescence of profane eugenics was the Caliphist assault against the nations on 11 September 2001. The attack achieved its goal of a Caliphist seizure of the government of the United States. It remains to be observed how many lives and how much wealth and infrastructure its process of extinction carries away with it.
Following the Russian Revolution, the Armistice of 1918 and the Treaty of Versailles, some German intellectuals conducted an exercise in “lessons learned.” They concluded that certain justifiable moral drivers of an over-all unjustifiable and destructive ideology, Socialism, must be accepted and applied to legitimate goals.
They named the outcome of their explorations religious socialism. Prominent among them was Paul Tillich, later Professor of Philosophical Theology at The Union Theological Seminary, New York, New York, University Professor at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Nuveen Professor of Theology at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Tillich has the honor of being the first Professor the Nazi Reich dismissed from their position, before any Jewish Professors were dismounted. This fact indicates the Nazis’ estimate of the relative strength of resistance to their ideology and programs as between German Protestant Christians and German Jews. German Protestantism was far more formidable an enemy of Nazism than was German Judaism or German Roman Catholicism. The course of events confirmed the Nazis’ estimate in this particular.
I advocate appropriating neither the terminologies nor the socio-political specifics of those German pioneers. I do, however, advocate for their assumption and practice that, no matter how disquieting circumstances, or the ignorance, malice and ideology driving them, something inside their distorted and distorting presentments represents a legitimate yearning that is existential and therefore religious.
Against religious socialism stood the Frankfurt School. These German intellectuals were anti-Christian, even atheistic socialists mostly of Jewish background. When their position vis-a-vis the Nazi Party became untenable, they emigrated, primarily to the United States, as did Tillich.
It was chiefly members of the Frankfurt School who bore profane eugenics to the Western Hemisphere as well as to Europe. Prominent among them was Herbert Marcuse, mentor of Angela Davis. Twenty years on from their emigrations westward, the Frankfurt School’s programs received collateral support from the movement called Liberation Theology, which sourced among Roman Catholic professors, monastics and priests in South America.
Liberation Theology paralleled the ideology of Saul Alinsky, another anti-Christian atheist of Jewish background, and was reworked as a dumb-down into Black Liberation Theology by James Cone. Cone was elevated to a professorship at The Union Theological Seminary, New York, New York, two months after I graduated at that institution. Among James Cone’s most prominent disciples is Jeremiah Wright, most recent mentor, so the Fraud claims, of the Fraud and family occupying the White House. Wright has said, correctly, that the Fraud and wife attended his parish church for social contacts and political ambition, not religion.
The spirit cries out and the flesh suffers. It is the job of leaders to induce the flesh to obey the spirit, to align the world with the wishes of Divine Compassion prayerfully sought and done.
On the other hand … speaking of Divine Compassion …..
Update 1: The more profane eugenics batters Christianity and the culture of The Latin Church, the unhappier the generality of people becomes and the more The Latin Church persists. Observe the Fascist stewardship of Europe: its fruit is invasion by anti-Christians from every corner of the globe and by every possible land, sea and air route. Yet, the culture of Europe remains that created by The Latin Church. Fascism is a Christian apostasy and Communism is a Christian heresy. Both root in Christian culture and are perversions of it, mis-grown fruits on a good tree.
Only Christian culture has ever successfully counter-attacked Islamic Imperialism. And Fascists want to obliterate Christian culture.
Meanwhile, Christian culture is still here, essentially undisturbed. How could that be? The freedom people seek is that created by The Latin Church. Efforts to obliterate Christianity, so rampant and visible these days, are on a glide path to extinction.
Update 2: Richard Fernandez: That Old Time Religion
Update 3: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on leftist social engineering in Europe and the USA.
Update 4: Found crucifix shows Christianity in Viking Europe earlier than thought.
Update 5: Nick Skildum: A Veteran in College: The Problem With Identity Theories
Update 6: Glenn Beaton: Will the Dem left dox the pilot of that Reaper drone?
My comment:
It is ideology. More than hatred, fear, anger, etc., it is ideology. The biblical term for that weakness is idolatry, taking something that is not ultimate as ultimate. A person who is a genuine vehicle of power can be recognized by the characteristics of truth, kindness, love, patience, forbearance, and gratefulness. Wherever these reside, ideology, like ego, cannot go; it has no place. Elijah on Carmel facing the Priests of Baal is an image increasingly impressing itself on my mind as a fruitful template for grasping what is going on in our sometimes seemingly chaotic country.
Update 7: Jonathan Chadwick: Ancient Israelites burned cannabis to ‘stimulate ecstasy’ as part of ‘cultic ceremonies’, remnants at 2,700-year-old Jewish shrine reveal